Saturday 24 October 2009

Journey to Caceres

Here we are in Caceres staying in the municipal campsite which is very friendly and has a bar, a shop and all mod cons (including private shower and toilet!). The weather is perfect so we have stayed here a while.

We spent a few days in the Picos mountains revisiting the charming town of Potes
and the peak of Fuente De which was snow covered in April last year.

The days were hot and sunny but the
nights were literally freezing.

Forecast rain made us pack up and head south. The night we arrived in Caceres there was a tremendous storm -
the van rocked and the clanking and clattering around us made us think that everything on the campsite had been uprooted. However, the morning brought fine weather and no damage could be seen.

The old town of Caceres is a joy to explore - narrow winding cobbled streets and beautiful old palacios.

You can see Moorish influence in most buildings and the history of the town
can be seen in the construction of the buildings - some Roman, some Moorish but mostly from 15th century when Isabella kicked out the Moors and had the tops of their towers lopped off

Not as quiet as you would expect as there is renovation work being carried out but completely unspoilt.

Coming next: adapting to a southern Spanish way of life!